Forslag vil blive vist, efter du har indtastet noget i søgefeltet. Brug op- og ned-pilene til at gennemgå resultaterne. Brug Enter til at vælge. Hvis valget er en sætning, vil denne sætning blive indsendt som søgning. Hvis forslaget er et link, vil browseren navigere til denne side.

Sammenlign, hvordan dine opslag klarer sig

Your place is unique, but how does it measure up compared to others in your area? As a Host, you need to know where you fit in your own market, so check out your performance data.

Check out similar listings

  1. After you’ve opted in, go to your hosting dashboard and click or tap on Insights
  2. Click or tap on Quality, Conversion, or Occupancy & rates, and explore the various subcategories
  3. Any time you find the option to Compare, select Similar listings in the dropdown

The similar listings graph shows how you’re doing compared to other listings near you. You can review your performance across a number of comparison categories—does your nightly rate seem about average, or is it too high or low? Get to know what’s working, and where you may want to tweak your listing.

Learn more about how similar listings work.

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