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Hvordan fjerner eller genetablerer jeg tilknytning mellem min arbejds-mailadresse og Airbnb-konto?

Business travelers can use their regular Airbnb accounts to book business travel—all you need to do is link your work email address to your Airbnb account so we can confirm that you work for your company.

If you need to switch the account your work email is linked to, or if you no longer want your accounts to be linked, follow the steps below to unlink (or relink) your work email address from your personal Airbnb account:

  1. Go to Edit Profile on
  2. Scroll down to Work Travel
  3. Click the X to unlink your accounts or the + Add work email to add a new work email

Note for travel admins at companies: If you're the only travel admin for your company's account, we recommend you add another travel admin before unlinking your accounts.

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